

*This story is what I am creating my Visual Media project on. I will create each story in a visual way using images, text, and music. The main character, Nakita, is who I will use as my animation character.

Chapter 1:
The late afternoon sky was fading to evening, the slowly setting sun shone down in a peaceful and lush forest, blanketing the area with soft light. But within a moment, the serene atmosphere was broken as a lone figure ran through the dense woods to escape her pursuers.

Pushing large bushes and low tree branches out of her way, a long blonde haired young girl with pointed ears raced through the forest for her life, breathing hard and clutching a very old scroll in her hand. Despite the cool almost-evening air, rivers of sweat poured down her forehead. Fear like none other caused her heart to beat so fast, it felt like it would burst through her chest at any moment. But as scared as she was, she tried to remain calm. Her plan had worked so far; she had disguised herself as one of the worshipers of the demon god Kumraa and sneaked into the castle. After carefully looking around, she found the scroll with the spell she needed in the Spells and Incantations Room. But unluckily, she was stopped by one of the followers as she was exiting the room, and he began asking questions. When the young girl stammered on her answers, the follower was just about to call the guards when the rebel in disguise knocked him out and ran off.

Well, that part didn't go as planned, but she had the scroll, and with it, the young girl could finally leave this planet and find the help she and the people on her planet needed so much. The girl stopped for a moment, sure for now that her pursuers were far behind her. Panting heavily, she leaned against a tall, red colored tree. Above, the light violet sky was darkening more and more with the setting of the blue sun, and tiny points of stars began to come out. Falling to her knees, the girl readjusted her hair into a pony-tail, and allowed the past few weeks to run through her mind in flashes.

Her planet was under attack like no one ever imagined. For a few years, the evil demon god Kumraa had driven the whole planet to bare bones in-order to wipe out those who did not follow him. Hundreds of thousands have already perished trying to defeat him. There is a legend that was long thought a simple tale. If it was true, then there was a chance the planet could be saved. This legend spoke of a chosen one who could read script that only Kumraa could read. The chosen one would need to find the secret scroll that held Kumraa’s undoing and make the journey to find help in freeing their planet.

Suddenly, the girl’s thoughts were interrupted as the sound of horse hooves began to rumble and shake the forest ground. With a startled cry, the chosen one quickly stood up and rushed off, running as fast as she could and slapping away bushes and cutting branches in her way. She ran for only a few minutes, but to her, it was like she was running for eternity. "There, over there! Don't let her escape!" cried out a very loud and deep voice.

At that, the horses seem to run faster, crushing anything in their path. A few seconds later, the girl burst through the bushes into a small clearing, almost as if it was made for seclusion. The girl fell to her knees in exhaustion. She shakily brought the old scroll from under the black robe she wore, and carefully spread it open on the ground. Tears misted in her eyes as she thought about the consequences for her and everyone else if she failed.

The girl took a deep breath, placed her hands together as if in prayer, and squinted her eyes as she tried to remember and read the old language sketched on the scroll. Her voice was soft and shaky, but still held a quiet strength that spoke of everything she had been through. A strange, melodic language softly filled the dusk air as the sounds of the horses came closer and closer.

Just then, the girl said the last word of the spell, and the scroll began to glow brightly. The glowing grew bigger and bigger, until the light of it filled the entire area. In a bright flash, the light turned into a swirling vortex, filled with bright colors and soft clouds. Happiness showed in the girl’s eyes as she looked up to see that the spell indeed worked. But she had no time to rejoice, as about ten horsemen burst through the bushes into the clearing. With a surprised cry, she looked around and was suddenly surrounded.

"Halt! Surrender yourself, NOW!" cried out the leader, his black armor shining brightly in the vortex's light.

The girl paid him no attention as she rose quickly and grabbed the small scroll, and made ready to jump through the vortex.

"I said halt!" The leader growled in anger and raised his weapon high when the girl didn't heed his warning. "Fire! Do not let her escape! It will be our heads if she does!" Blaster fire shot out at the girl from the ends of their long, silver spears. The blasts missed her by mere inches as the escapee jumped high and through the vortex. As she entered it, she felt a sudden rush in her body...then she was falling...falling into a cloud of comfort, yet nothingness. Behind her, the vortex began to close quickly, leaving the armed knights and the planet behind.

To the girl, it seemed as if she would fall forever, and she wanted nothing more than to sleep..sleep forever and forget about the troubles of Earth and its people. Suddenly, just before she went to sleep, one thought raced through her mind...one thought that gave her hope and comfort in her journey; Earth, she thought to herself, I MUST get to Earth! Oh please great gods, guide me to Earth!

Chapter 2:
Panting heavily, the young girl hurriedly hid behind a large tree from prying eyes, hoping that her strange look wouldn't be noticed too much. When she had awoken face down in a park similar to this one, once before, she had indeed caught a lot of stares and whispers from passerby. As it was night, there weren't too much people around, so she quickly grabbed her scroll and rushed off, hoping her robes would keep her hidden.

Now, about two days later, she had forgone her cloak and now wore a simple trench coat, which she had found abandoned on a park bench. Cautiously she stepped from the tree, glad the coat was big enough to hide her unconventional clothing, and headed toward another one of the park's many trees to avoid an approaching group. She sat down on the ground next to a tall tree, the scroll still held tightly in her hand, and quickly accessed her situation.

Looking around, she can tell that this planet Earth...or at least what the older people and the legends called it, wasn't that much different from her own planet. There were many different kinds of people, clothing, and buildings, but here, the people traveled in very funny contraptions that had four wheels. Some were big, some small. The machines seem to spew some sort of...she didn't know what to call it exactly...gas into the air from a simple pipe in the back. From the looks of it, it didn't seem very healthy to her. Very strange machines indeed. Why do they not simply use horses to travel, or use a transportation spell? the girl thought to herself. The girl chuckled and shook her head as she then remembered that they didn't use spells or magic on Earth, which was often used on her planet, nor did they believe in it...which puzzled her even more. Why didn't they believe in magic? It was as real as anything else. For some time now, she simply watched and studied the people of this planet, using a simple translation spell she learned as a child to listen to their strange languages as they talked about things she never in her life imagined or seen.

Another thing that struck her as strange was the color of the sky. It was so....blue! Such a strange outcome indeed from the light violet she was used to. The girl chuckled to herself once more. Suddenly, whatever more she was thinking was interrupted as a feeling of dread entered her body then, a familiar feeling of the very things she was trying to escape. By the second, the feeling was growing stronger and stronger, and she knew that she didn't have much time. By all that is holy, how did they find me here, how did they find me so fast? the girl thought furiously. With an angry growl, the girl stood up and rushed off. The spell she had used to sense any presence of the followers of the demon god if they even attempted to follow her worked all too well. She had to find the ones she came to look for now....and find them fast!

Chapter 3
Jeneta looked curiously around the ancient Egyptian section of the museum. Everywhere she looked, there were thousands of displays of old jewelry, pottery, models, and old wigs. Luckily, the section wasn't too crowded, and she, along with the rest of the group that was assigned to the section, were able to take as long as they wanted without getting in anyone's way. 

Haley walked off by herself to a display of a mummy, and a moment later,  excitedly called to Jeneta. "Jeneta! Quick, look over here!" The blonde girl fixed her glasses on her nose, then bent down and pointed at the sign plastered on the glass wall that sealed in the old mummy with its possessions. "It says here his name was...umm... H...Hornedjitef and he was the priest during the reign of Ptolemy III." 

"Great," Jeneta looked around and shuddered slightly. "For such advanced people, you'd think the ancient Egyptians could have come up with easier names for people to pronounce." she said, noticing Heather struggling to say the name. "Can we hurry this up? This place is really giving me the creeps." 

"What's wrong? Are you..okay?" Haley looked at her curiously. "I thought you said your parents used to take you here when you were younger." 

"Yeah, they did....but every time I would come in here, I would just get...I don't know...get this weird feeling." She shook her head. "It's nothing, I'm fine. Let's just look around and write down what we can." 

Haley was about to say something, then thought better of it. Although still not convinced of Jeneta's assurance she was fine, she nodded, then went over to a statue display of the Egyptian goddesses Nut and Isis. 

"Hey, look at this! Wow, you look a little bit like the goddess Nut!" Haley chuckled as she pointed at the ancient goddess. 

"Yeah right!" Jeneta rolled her eyes as she looked at her watch. "We should get started on our assignment. It's 25 percent of our grade you know." 

"Alright, alright," Haley sighed. She took out her notebook along with Jeneta, and both began looking at pictures of different styles of clothing. A moment later, unseen by them, a dull, shimmer of light flashed next to the mummy they were just looking at, and a figure slowly began to emerge out of it. 

Just as Jeneta finished writing what she thought of a small priestess gown, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hey! How's it going here?" 

Jeneta looked up in surprise at Zac, who smiled mischievously. "Zac! What are you doing here? I thought you had to go to the Ancient Greece exhibition room." 

"Yeah well, it got boring, so I decided to look for you and Haley. Mrs. Beckford isn't around, is she?" 

"No, you're safe for now. She went to check up on some kids at the other exhibition displays." Haley said.
“Let’s go grab some lunch" Zac suggested.
“I’m not so sure that is a grand idea. Haley and I have more work we need to do” Jeneta being the worry-wart of them.
“Oh come-on Jen! I am famished and can’t think straight” Haley batted her eyes at Jeneta who caved in.

But instead of leaving the large room together, something unexpected happened to the girls; The glass wall over the mummy display suddenly shattered, sending shards of glass everywhere. 

Chapter 4

The girls, being the only ones left in the room since everyone else had written their essays and left for lunch, screamed as they dropped to the ground and covered their heads. When they dared to get back up when the crashing was done, they gaped in horror as a grey-colored monster stood over them. Its large teeth hung over its bottom lip a large overbite, and its large, almond shaped eyes glowed dark and red at the girls. It raised a hand, and when it clenched a fist and released it, large, razor sharp nails appeared as if by magic. 

"Bloody hell! What the heck is THAT?!" screamed out Jeneta, backing away in fright. 

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it's TOAST!" yelled out Haley. Getting in a fighting stance, she gave the monster a fierce look, then attacked. "HIIII YAH!" Jumping up high, the girl kicked her leg out and was about to smash her foot at the side of the monster's head....until it reached out and grabbed her foot. With a roar, it swung Haley over his head once as she screamed, then threw her against the glass wall behind Jeneta. Luckily, it wasn't hard enough to smash it, but the girl still crumbled to the floor, groaning in pain. 

"Haley!" screamed out Jeneta as rushed over to her. Having the wind knocked out of her, Haley looked up groggily at Jeneta as she helped her to stand. 

"Oh my God, Haley, are you badly hurt?" asked Jeneta, looking her over for any injuries. 

"No, but unless we do something, that...thing is going to do some serious harm!" Haley pointed at the monster as it got ready to rush at them.

"Oh no! Why is it after us?" Jeneta gasped, feeling more frightened than she ever had in her life. Not knowing what else to do, the girls huddled together and closed their eyes, thinking this would be the last day of their lives. 

Just then, there was a loud voice, shouting in a strange language, and suddenly, a flash of light appeared. When it struck the monster, it roared loudly in pain, then began to slowly turn into dust. A moment later, the girls opened their eyes, and watched a figure slowly walk towards them. She had olive skin, pointed ears, and long matted blonde hair. Her bright green eyes looked curiously at the girls. She wore a long, trench coat over some strange clothing, and it flapped lightly in an unfelt wind. 

"Who....who are you?" Haley asked, slowly standing up.

The stranger looked at the girls for a long moment, then at the spot the creature was before it was destroyed. "The mejaki, it wasn't really after you. It was looking for me." The girl looked sadly at the girls and shook her head. "But there will be many more, if you both do not come with me right now. If I am right, the two of you are destined for a great journey to end a terrible evil...." 

"Wait a minute, just what the heck's going on here? We're not going ANYWHERE with you!" Haley shouted out. "What do you mean they'll be more of those things if we don't go with you? What destiny?" 

"Please, you must believe me. My name is Nakita, I have searched for a long time for you girls." The girl gave them a pleading look, and before any of them could say more, she took out an old looking scroll from the inside of her trench coat. She opened it, and closing her eyes, began chanting a spell in a language the girls had never heard before. 

A moment later, there was a flash of bright light, and a silvery-colored vortex opened, lighting the dimmed exhibition room with nearly unbearable light. The light dimmed slightly, and Nakita once more looked pleadingly at the girls. "Please, there isn't time to waste. You must follow me if you want any more attacks like that one to stop. I promise I will explain everything when we get to our destination. Just...please trust me..." 

Jeneta looked into the girl’s bright eyes for a moment, and seeing the sincerity in them, nodded her head. She looked at her friend. "I think she might be telling the truth. I say we check it out..." 

"But...what she's doing...that's scientifically impossible!" Haley blurted out. "How's she doing that?" 

"Well, I've come to believe that science can't explain everything." Jeneta said. “Maybe we should just check it out for now. If it turns out she's a lunatic, we'll just report her to the police." 

"Well...alright. But this better not be some trick!" Haley said.

But just as they were about to tell Nakita their decision, the girl stretched out her hand to them, already half way through the vortex, leaving a ripple in it as her body entered. 

"Well, here goes nothing." Jeneta breathed to herself. Each girl then took each other's hand in their own. Jeneta looked at Nakita, and with a nod, reached out and took her hand in her own. For a moment, Jeneta felt a quiet strength from this strange girl....as though everything she believed in, SHE now believed in. For some strange reason, she smiled softly at her, as though she was letting her know that she trusted her, and that she would do her best to help her in whatever danger she was in. One by one, the girls fell through the vortex, their hearts beating loudly in their chest, knowing that deep down, this moment would change the rest of their lives. If it was indeed their destiny, it would be the beginning of a great adventure, an adventure no one else had been through. If they lived through it, they all knew that it would also be the whole reason behind their dreams.

Chapter 5
In her mind, Jeneta lay comfortably in her bed, thinking that she had a few more minutes of sleep before getting up for school. It was so nice, so warm. She didn't want to get up, not just yet. She then sighed contently, hoping that instead of a few more minutes in bed, it was the week-end, and she could get up anytime she wanted. 

Then, she felt a gentle hand shaking her, trying to get her to wake up. "Jeneta? Come on, you have to wake up!" said a soft voice filled with urgency. 

"Aww Ma, can't I just have a few more minutes?" the girl sighed, trying to turn away. But the shaking did not stop. 

Instead, the voice and the shaking got a little louder and rougher. "Jeneta! Come on! Please, you have to get up now!" 

A flash of memory suddenly entered her mind; a memory of a strange girl and a creature attacking her and her friend in the Museum. Immediately Jeneta's body tensed, and she slowly opened her eyes. Sunshine like none other flashed and made her wince and shut her eyes again. She tried to turn away again, thinking she was still home, but the strange images flashed in her mind again. Oh man, what a weird dream! 
"JENETAAAAA!" screamed a voice right beside her ear. Her eyes snapped opened then, and Jeneta nearly jumped up a few feet with a startled scream. When she finally calmed down a little, taking deep breaths, she saw her friend looking down at her with worry, they still had their school uniforms on, only now they were covered with leaves and bits of twigs and branches. High above them, a bright, glaring sun shone down from a strange, violet covered sky. 

"What the....heck?" Jeneta got up shakily with Haley's help and looking around wildly. They were in some sort of forest clearing, trees surrounding them from all sides a few feet away. The trees were very tall and majestic, with branches that seem to touch the very sky itself. Strange, scurrying little creatures hopped and ran about. Some creatures Jeneta recognized as rabbits, others she had no clue. Some were colored maroon and light tanned or light orange. Above, brightly-colored birds with various sizes flew about, singing in their high, flute-like voices. 

She blinked her eyes for a few moments before looking at Haley standing with her. "What the bloody hell's going on here? Where are we? What happened? I...I thought it was all a dream!" Panic entered her then, and her heart began to beat loudly in her chest. She certainly didn't expect the boring, old school trip to end up like this! 

"Jen, calm down!" said Haley. She laid a comforting hand on her shoulder before she looked around. "Evidently, it isn't a dream as we all thought when we started to wake up. We're....we're in a strange part of the country. How we got here, I'm not sure. Sorry to have screamed at you like that Jeneta, but we had to get you up and try to figure out what happened." 

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid that can't be possible right now." said a soft sounding voice. The girls turned together in surprise at the sound of the voice, and watched as a dark figure walked up to them. Just as they remembered, the blonde haired bright eyed girl who wore a long trench coat. Her bright eyes were sad, yet there was a spark of hope shining behind it as she looked calmly at the girls. 

When she was right in front of them, she was about to say something more, but Haley narrowed her eyes and shouted out "YOU! "What the hell's going on here buddy? And tell the truth, I'm not in the mood for any games!" 

"Let..me..explain!" the Nakita growled out.
"Where are we?" Haley demanded.

"I'm sorry, I know how strange this must be to you all, but you have to understand how serious I am when I tell you that I desperately need your help. My home, my planet, is in the grips of a terrible evil, and if you're all who I think you are, only you can help free us...." 

"What? Just hold on a minute there!" said Jeneta, stepping forward. "Just what do you mean 'my planet' "? 

"Yeah, what are you, off your rocker or something?" Haley folded her arms over her chest and glared at the strange girl, anger among other emotions raging within her. 

"Please, allow me to finish," The stranger's soft voice was filled with desperation, and hearing it, the girls allowed her to continue. "My name is Nakita, and you are on the planet called Kaphrus. I've been given the task to go to Earth and find the ones who will help aid me to free us all from an evil that threatens to destroy all that is good here. If it is not stopped....if it destroys everything here, it will only spread throughout the galaxies, and soon, nothing will be left." 

"But...if this is true, what does this have to do with any of us?" asked Jeneta, looking at her with interest. 

"The legend speaks of creatures from Earth who have certain abilities that will aid the chosen one in destroying the evil demon god. If my suspicions are true, then you are the ones we need. Please, you must help in any way you can." Nikita looked at them pleadingly, hope showing in her eyes. 

"We're...on another planet?" Jeneta's eyes grew wide as she looked around, suddenly understanding the many differences she saw in the sky, animals, and trees...trees much taller than any she had ever seen or heard about. Oh my gosh! She's right, we're not on Earth! "Another planet? But... if we're not on Earth, how are we supposed to get home? I don't understand. How...how did this happen to us?"

No one spoke for what seemed like hours.
Heather turned to Nakita, "Well, as long as we're stuck in this situation, we might as well make the best of it." the brunette girl sighed. "I'm Haley, and this Jeneta… who we call Jen sometimes," she said, pointing to herself and the other girl standing with her.

When she was done with the introductions, she looked at Nakita with very serious eyes. "Look, I'm not sure I know what's going on here. Is there any way you can take us somewhere and tell us more about this...evil or whatever you're talking about, and how we're supposed to help? And we'd also like to find way to get back home to New York when this is all done... 

Nakita took a deep breath and nodded her head. "Yes, if I remember this area correctly, there's a small village not too far from here. There's a woman there who I think can help us and explain more. But we must hurry, I think by now...." 

But Nakita never finished as a loud, fierce screech pierced the quiet, forest air. Another screech followed it immediately, making the girls cover their ears and look around frantically. 

Chapter 6
"What in the world was that?" Haley yelled out. Seconds later, her question was answered as two, immense creatures flew into view above them. They were very big, with tanned skin and leather-like wings that seemed to grow from their arms right into the sides of their bodies. They also had very long tails, and at the end of it was a ball with metal spikes growing out of them. Their heads were very long, with long beaks that seem to grow out from the bottom of it. Medium sized horns stuck out in lines along their backs, as well as along down their beaks. 

"Oh my gosh! Are those...are those, pterodactyls?" said Jeneta, looking up at them in wonder. 

"No! They're tendrilias and they're hunters sent to find us! We have to go, NOW!" Nakita cursed softly under her breath and dashed away to the right. "Damn! How did he find us so fast?" 

Not needing anymore encouragement, Haley and Jeneta followed close behind.
 “Man, we've only been here for about ten minutes, and already we're being chased!" Yelled Haley

For long moments, Nakita and the girls desperately tried to stay under the cover of trees and bushes, but each time they tried, it seems as though the creatures knew where they were and used their tails to either smash a tree or knock aside a loose bush. The girls screamed as one of the creatures, almost right on top of them, swung its tail downward and swiped the air where their heads just were as they dropped to the ground. While the creature made ready to strike again, Nakita drew her dagger, and stabbed it against its head, as it didn't see her coming from the side. The tendrilia went down with a painful groan. 

"Run!" she yelled out. Not waiting to be told a second time, the girls dashed off into another small clearing with Nakita not too far behind them. 

It was then that the creature decided it had enough, and with its partner flying down beside it, they both opened their mouths and let loose a stream of dark colored smoke aimed right at them. "Quick, get down!" shouted Nakita. Not even a second later, she and the girls all dropped and covered their heads at the same time as the hot and furious dark smoke raced above them, scorching the air where they were just in before they fell to the ground. 

"Time to end this, right now," The fit warrior girl got up on her feet, and turning around, glared at the two monsters. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and brought her hands together as though she was saying a prayer. She began muttering a few words in a strange language, then snapped opened her eyes. She stretched her arms out before her as hands began to glow a soft magenta, then shouted out "Incantatus Dislarvium!" 

A burst of dark magenta energy shot out of her hands, looking like a large ball surrounded by blue flames, and smashed right into the two creatures as they were about to let loose another stream of their flames. Instantly the tendrilias erupted into dark flames and began to thrash about as their flesh was being burned away. Soon, all that was left was a pile of bones, black smoke rising from them in a slow dance. 

For a few moments, the girls could only stare in shock at Nakita as she stood on shaky legs and panted hard, her energy nearly spent. She gave a small sigh of relief as she turned back towards where the girls were slowly beginning to stand up. 

"Are you alright?" she asked, looking at each of them in concern as she walked up to them, but her eyes lingering a little longer on Jeneta for some reason. 

"How...how did you do that?" breathed out Haley, fascinated beyond belief at what she just witnessed."Umm...yeah, we're all fine I guess." She looked around at her friend. 

"Yeah, we're fine, thanks," Jeneta shuddered and hugged herself against the chill she suddenly felt. "But I have a feeling we shouldn't stay around here. We need to leave, now." From ever since she could remember, she always knew when danger was on the way. But what she felt right now was like nothing she had ever felt before, for she felt a danger coming that made those two creatures look like small insects. 

"Yes, we must leave. Please, follow me. We have no time to waste." With a nod, Nakita turned and walked fast ahead of them, determination evident in her stride. 

The girls looked at each other momentarily, wondering what to do. "Well, we might as well follow her. She's the only one that can tell us what's going on," Jeneta said, turning to follow Nakita. They rushed off quickly to catch up with the girl. 

I just hope there isn't any more danger like the one we just faced, Jeneta thought to herself. But somehow, I don't think this is over. This is a long way from over, and I only pray that we'll all live through it somehow and that we'll get to go back home.

Above them, the sun shone as brightly as ever, almost as though lighting the way for the adventure ahead for the girls. The strange birds continued to fly ahead, filling the sky with motion and life. But deep in the souls of the girls, they knew that whatever strange fate had brought them here, unless something was done, all of it...the life of the whole planet, even their own lives, would be gone, as well as their chance to go home. 


The Pra walked into the black and dank throne room as he left his men to guard the immense doors, his head held high and his arms rigidly at his side. When he came to the figure sitting on the large throne made of human bones, he went to one knee and bowed. "My Greatness, I have found out that the chosen one has indeed come back to Kaphrus, and she has brought two strangers with her. I had my top soldiers send the tendrilias after them, but she somehow defeated the creatures. Don't worry, I have punished them severely for the defeat, and..." 


The voice that shouted out from the shadowy figure was very deep and gravelly, as though the throat it came from was as ancient as time itself. The figure leaned forward, and Zain couldn't help by shudder once again at the demonic face beneath the black hood, staring out at him with red, glowing eyes. 

"I will not hear another report of failure! She must be stopped at all cost, do you hear me? ALL COST! She must be destroyed, or YOU in her place!" 

"Yes, of course my Master! I have a feeling I know where she is headed! She will be stopped, this I promise!" With that, Zain hurriedly stood up, saluted, and rushed out of the throne room, his men struggling to keep up with him. 

When he was alone, the figured chuckled to itself, loving the feeling of fear the emanated off the grey-skinned man. The sweet smell of fear. Yes, that was what he fed off of. That was what he needed if he was to gain the strength to rule the entire galaxies, not just this one planet. And soon, with the death of the chosen one, he will begin his conquest. At that thought, the figure laughed louder, feeling victory at the tips of his bony fingers. 

The figure then thought about what Zain said, about two strangers traveling with Nakita. An image...an old memory, flashed in the figure's mind then; of three strong women using all the powers they had to seal him away in that abominable realm where he suffered for countless years before he managed to escape. No, it can't be. I made sure they would never be able to come back! he thought to himself. The figure pushed that thought out of his mind, and he thought once again of Nakita. Fool, chasing after a worthless legend. Soon, I'll destroy you like I did to your parents and those who you loved most.

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