Saturday, March 29, 2014

Literacy Coming to Life

Last night while trying to sleep I could not help but think about this project. I have a clear vision and understanding to what I am creating, but I felt I was not conveying it to my audience in a clear way. I also wanted to make it known that I was not simply putting together written chapters into a visual form. I want my audience to experience a little journey themselves, just like the main character of the story. I don't have a vast amount of knowledge or technical skill to achieve more than I am able to, but I am pretty happy with what I came up with. 

Modern society is turning away from printed material and being drawn to material that has images, animation, music, narration, podcasts, and so forth. Just think of how many books have been turned into movies. Many people choose to see the movie, rather than read the book. This Visual Media course has taught me this, which is why I am utilizing this knowledge and created part of an adventure story to put into digital form. Using different media programs, I am turning each chapter into a slide-show type story. I am looking through Google to find images that fit the story-line. 
I am creating a not-so-traditional e-book. My idea behind creating an app and linking various pages to it is to create a little adventure for the reader. Turning a page is not too thrilling, but clicking on a page and being transported to a new place and then watching what is to come, that is an adventure. 

As I continue on my project and applying links to my app, I discovered to use the app via the internet is best by this link: I will continue to repost this link as I blog more so it does not fall out of sight. 

Research material I have used thus far:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Story: What I will be visually presenting

This is my story that I created and what I am creating my Visual Media project on. I will create each story in a visual way using images, text, and music. The main character, Nakita, is who I will use as my animation character.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


This is my first time ever creating storyboards. They are not as easy as they appear to be. As I started drawing them out, I was thinking I bit off more than I could chew by creating 6 chapters of a story. I already have my story written out and did not want to shorten or cut what I created. I vigorously spent days working on these storyboards. In-order to get these completed in a timely fashion by the due date, and to keep my sanity, I simplified the characters and made the scenes minimal. I will post the chapters to read as part of my next submission for the March 30th deadline. Each scene correlates with it's chapter:

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15th: App Created & Progress

App & Progress

As of March 15th, 2014  I am moving- at a snail’s pace, along with my Visual Media Project. I am sticking to the timeline and outline I set for myself. The first month of my outline is as follows:
11      Come up with project idea 
22    Start writing out story line for the project 
33      Work out storyboard - started to
44     Create app 
55     Continue on storyboard 

I have officially created and published my free app at I kept the design simple, yet enticing. This app is the main portal to my Tumblr page ( I will post my story in a digital media form. I also included a link to my blog where the viewer can read about my train of thought and process behind this project.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Visual Media Project

Visual Media Project

 Project Overview:
The purpose of this project will be to create an app that leads you to another source, which is the home to a story I have created. The idea behind the app is to draw anticipation for the viewer.  The story I will write goes hand-in-hand with the character I am animating for my Animation Independent Study. A synapses of the story involves an elfish girl who was born with the ability to read an ancient script that no other can. She goes on adventures finding scrolls with this script, until one day she comes across one revealing a legend. This legend reveals trouble coming to her people, and she is the only one who can save them. 
Read: Introduction to media production: the path to digital media production, Making Media-Foundation of Sound and Image Production, research websites, analyze apps, and ask for input from viewers.
·        Proposal: Due by 3/16/2014
·        Write Chapters 1-3 and begin app: Due by 3/23/2014
·        Write Chapters 4-6: Due by 3/30/2014
·        Ideas/Music/Videos/Images/Programs chosen for each chapter and finalize design of app: Due by 4/6
·        Production week for chapters 1-3: Due by 4/20
·        Production week for chapters 1-4: Due by 5/18
·        Post Production: Due by 6/1
·        Present to others: Due by 6/15
·        Revisions: Due by 6/22
·        Final: Due by 6/27
I will create a basic app using the website The main path of the app will be linked to my Tumblr page,, where I will add 6 chapters to a storyline that I created. I will be using Word to write out the chapters of the story. Some chapters will have imagery (drawings, paintings, digital art, etc) that will be from my personal gallery or web-searched images. Other chapters will involve music, or video, or a combination of all 3 medias.  In order to get the media together, I may have to post each piece in separate threads on my Tumblr page, or go to the program Pstory and paste that link into my Tumblr. If I am not liking the idea of using my Tumblr page, I will resort to making a separate blog page and link it appropriately to the app.
Sketch Ideas:
Traditional sketch

Traditional sketch that I colored B&W in Photoshop CS6